Since I have a break from the Shingles flare-up I did a little stitching on this. New HINT: It is a Dimension kit and it is a OOP. Here you see I have added some green to the pattern. Here is the update
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Why I Am Not Stitching!
Well, I am stitching but very sloooowly because I have shingles. Where do I have them? Under my right shoulder so with the pain of the condition you have the pain tingling and numbness. Since it is my right shoulder, The pain and numbness is down my right arm. I can stitch a little at a time. I have been stitching on the mystery stitch but not enough to post. Maybe tomorrow. Shingles, the symptoms are BAD!!! I have had pain and numbness in my arm to my hand for the past week and the rash is still here but scabbed over. Everyone please get a shot even if you have not had the chicken pox because I never had them. They state in the ad if you have had chicken pox get the shot but I am one with shingles and never had the virus!
Ok news today is.....very hot and humid while I delivered mail today but it was an easy day today. So happy I am off from now until Thursday after the Holiday!
Have a great Holiday
Ok news today is.....very hot and humid while I delivered mail today but it was an easy day today. So happy I am off from now until Thursday after the Holiday!
Have a great Holiday
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Good News Today!!
Ashli as I mentioned in my retired blog got accepted in Bryant University with a 12 thousand dollar scholarship per year but after she went to orientation for two days we got a BIG surprise!! She is getting 22 thousand scholarship per year for majoring in med ! We are so excited!! She is so so happy! Here is a pic of her. Dosen't she look happy, lol : ) Just had to share that with all my stitching friends!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Progress Update on My Mystery 123Stitch Giveaway!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Contest Update for June 18th 2012
Ok I have done 8 percent of the pattern so far if you are following my meters on the left of my blog. We are now seeing a Rust color to the right. Any guesses??
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Contest!!!! $10.00 Gift Certificate From 123Stitch! June 14th Update!
I have put in some greys and browns to this pattern. Anyone see anything yet? : ) lol Or is it still just a blob to you? HINT: Time for Cookies : ) Am I like totally driving you crazy yet, LOL
Happy Stitching and Good Luck!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Contest!!!! $10.00 Gift Certificate From 123Stitch! Update!
Hope everyone is having a great day today!
I have an update to show. I have added 31 stitches in yellow and white. HINT : If you look at the left side of my blog and look at My UfO Stitching, you can see this pattern is not big. Well here is my update! Good Luck and Happy Stitching!
I have an update to show. I have added 31 stitches in yellow and white. HINT : If you look at the left side of my blog and look at My UfO Stitching, you can see this pattern is not big. Well here is my update! Good Luck and Happy Stitching!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Contest!!!! $10.00 Gift Certificate From 123Stitch!
I am going to have a contest! I will post my progress reports on this wip I am working on and the first to guess what the name of the kit is (HINT) AND the name of the designer will win! Keep watching and good luck! The gift is $10.00 GC from 123. Here is my start and I know no one will now it right now lol!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Good News!! Twice!!
First, my daughter Ashli received three high school awards last night including high honors! She graduates June 12th. Second my daughter Kristina is moving in for a month and a half while her husband Andrew ships off on a sub with the Navy for 6 weeks! So I get to see not only my daughter for 6 weeks but my adorable grandson Connor. I am so happy : )
On the stitching front I have not been stitching as much as I want to but every little bit counts : ) Here is how much more I got done on Fred.
The first was my last update and the second is my update for today. I don't really like the pic because the flash was on.
On the stitching front I have not been stitching as much as I want to but every little bit counts : ) Here is how much more I got done on Fred.
The first was my last update and the second is my update for today. I don't really like the pic because the flash was on.
Monday, May 28, 2012
I know I haven't posted lately but I do have some updates! Mothers Day was great with some awesome gifts which since I do not have my camera I cannot post them! Will post as soon as I get my camera back from my daughter Ash. I have stitched on Fred also so will have an update on him too.Happy Stitching everyone and hope you all had a Happy Safe Memorial Day!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!!!!
Hope All Are Having A Wonderful Weekend!
Happy Mother's Day!
Still nursing my Gui. He is on the mend though. Here is a picture of his back. You can see two of the holes in this picture.
My daughter Ashli just got her first job at Stoop & Shop. She is a deli clerk. Today is her second training day. She says she likes it. I think I am going to stitch on Fred today outside because it is a beautiful sunny day. It is supposed to be in the 80's today. Perfect weather for stitching!
Happy Mother's Day!
Still nursing my Gui. He is on the mend though. Here is a picture of his back. You can see two of the holes in this picture.
My daughter Ashli just got her first job at Stoop & Shop. She is a deli clerk. Today is her second training day. She says she likes it. I think I am going to stitch on Fred today outside because it is a beautiful sunny day. It is supposed to be in the 80's today. Perfect weather for stitching!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Updates on Gui and My Stitching!
Gui is home and recovering. He needs antibiotic ointment to be put in 5 puncture wounds to his back along with oral drops along with peroxide baths each day. He is not too happy. He is in lock down for a month. No outside what so ever. The vet says he was attacked either by a very large dog or a coyote. No sure if I will ever let him out again without a restraint of some form and me being outside with him.
I do have a little update on my Black Wolf I am stitching. Hope you can see a little difference from the last time lol
I do have a little update on my Black Wolf I am stitching. Hope you can see a little difference from the last time lol
I have 250 stitches in Black Wolf now I know I am so slow but with work and nursing Gui not alot of time to stitch
Happy Stitching everyone!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Prayers For My Gui!!
My furbaby Gui was attacked yesterday and has bite marks and an abscess on his back. I brought him to the vet today and they didn't let me take him home : ( He needs treatment for the abscess which will take a day to drain. Then massive doses of antibiotics. He is such an awesome baby! I trapped him as a feral (wild stray)but has become a little pussy LOL! I love him so much!!! Here is a pic I have of him. As far as stitching, Between work and now this I have nothing to show. I have stitched on Black Wolf but not enough to show progress.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Wonderful Day Today!!

It was another gorgeous day today sunny and in the 80's! Not a bad day delivering mail today! No stitching so far tonight but might work on KK Black Wolf a little tonight. Hope everyone is having a wonderful night tonight? I am leaving you with two pics tonight one of my Puss & Boots and the other of a plant that
was given to me. I do not know what it is but it just flowered the past two days. Does anyone know what kind of plant this is? Thanks so much : )
Puss & Boots
Here is the photo of the plant. Would love to know what it is? : )

Friday, April 13, 2012
How Was Your Friday The 13th?

My Friday went pretty smoothly! Went to work had a great day! Delivering mail today with the sun shinning, just beautiful. Helped my daughter pack and make sure she has everything for her trip tomorrow. She will leave for France with about 7 other high-honor students and stay there for a week. She is so excited! Me I am already worrying!!! I will post pics when she comes back.
For the stitching front, I am still stitching on KK's Black Wolf. Will show a progress later. Here
are a couple of pics of my furbabies.
Felice playing peek-a-boo
Here is Punkin my old timer in the leaves.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Stitched Tonight on Black Wolf by Kustom Krafts

Today was a beautiful day here in Smithfield, RI! Sunny in the 60's. Anyone been stitching? I pulled out Black Wolf by Kustom Krafts and stitched a little after work. Lots of Blacks and Grays so I definitely will be rotating this one often since it is a beautiful pattern but for me quite boring to stitch. I love colorful patterns and this is not one of them. Here is a photo of the pattern and a start of my stitching.
I am stitching this on28 ct. Joblin Dove Gray Linen over two threads. I have put in 166 stitches so far so not alot to show quite yet.
Here is my progress as of today.
Well, I will leave you a pic of my many kitties that have found a warm safe home here with us. Here is Amber caught playing with our flowers. Happy Stitching Everyone!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to all of you! Hope all of you are having very nice one! I thought I would share a video showing the Big Cats having a Happy Easter also : )
Friday, April 6, 2012
Progress On Witches Of Booville
I have been working on Booville this week.You can see the start of another witch. Wish you could see the glow of the glow in the dark threads. Here are the pics of what it will look like, my last progress and my newest progress.
Last Week
As of now
Happy Easter to all of you : )
Last Week
As of now
Happy Easter to all of you : )
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I Have Missed All Of You!!!
I have lost my blog My Stitching World and cannot find it! I am so upset about it!! I have so many beautiful pics and content since 2007! This is my new blog! I will be updating my stitching from that blog to this one. It will take sometime to do. Please follow me here since I will not be able to get to the other blog. I would love to get all my crossstitch friends back
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